Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Week 4/Thing 9

Continuing on from the last post, I added "Shifted Librarians" to my Bloglines aggregator and it's really interesting. The best part was how it got me to related links and I signed up for three more feeds, including urban legends through Snopes (which I had heard about but not really checked out) and also Slate which I try to read now and then. I was so woefully ignorant of this technology that i looked up rss history on wikipedia to find out when it became so available and useful. Turns out it is fairly new--2005-2006. I will definitely use Bloglines or a similar thing in my daily life and I feel it is an absolute necessity in anyone's professional life. Everybody now has to keep up with the latest work-related info as well as the latest updates in leisure time activities, plane fares, purchases, etc. In my library I will be customizing my personal desk computer with my own feeds, and will poll my public patrons about their interests also. I'm thinking that news feeds would be popular. I am defintley going to investigate how our patrons can take maximum advantage of RSS.

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