Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 8/Thing 15

This week's activities is quickly becoming one of my favorities. I've read lots of blogs, especialy class and professional blogs, but Technorati is amazing. Doing the suggested exercises led to all kinds of discoveries. The clicked around the tag cloud and also claimed my own blog and may return to that and fix it up. The following are observations:
The sheer depth of the info in different formats here is mid-boggling. Since this is the day of the Pennsylvania primary I've been most interested in the political material. In reading through those posts, the immediacacy of this information is startling--posts made 21 minutes ago on the campaign trail in Pa. ..almost like a chat room in some ways. One very current "state of the nation" post led me on a search to fingd out who actually wrote it ad it took me to the masthead of the Daily Kos--very interesting guy who began it and a full roster of reporters. Now I see how these sites are really challenging traditonal newspapers. That said, another technorati post took me a NY Times aticle on MvCain's ties tro a Arizona developer. Before I run out of space, I also tried a search for "Vermont librarians" and compared it to Google -- both went right to the librarian.net blog.

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